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Evanna Rahman

March 11, 2024


Prophetic Inspired Foods to Keep You Hydrated

بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيمِ
In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.


Dates are praised in both the Qur’an and Sunnah. It is the only food that is mentioned in the Sunnah time and time again due to its vast array of benefits, not only for physical health but spiritual.
The Prophet SAWS used to consume dates in various ways, such as with milk, watermelons, cucumbers, etc. He also used to eat an odd number at all times. Sometimes, he would make a drink out of dates soaked in water overnight (Nabeedh).
In an authentic hadith, the Prophet SAWS said: “Whoever eats seven ‘ajwah dates in the morning, will not be harmed by any poison or witchcraft that day.”


The most beloved drink to the Prophet SAWS was milk. Whenever he was able, he used to drink raw milk.
Milk in and of itself has many benefits for the body, such as improving brain function, improving bone density, boosting memory, aiding muscles, and more. But, milk also has an incredible effect in retaining hydration in the body.
Multiple studies show that milk has a more lasting hydrating effect than water. This means milk is better than water for replenishing your body and giving it the nourishment it needs in a lower quantity than water.


Cucumbers are packed with water and vitamins which help to replenish the body after a long day of fasting.
It is low in calories and high in fiber, which makes it exceptional for weight loss. Other than that, cucumbers have detoxing properties which drive out harmful toxins from the body.
The Prophet SAWS used to eat cucumbers with dates. This was a combination followed by many people at the time, such as A’isha RA who also used to eat cucumbers with dates in order to gain weight.

Raw Honey

When people used to approach the Prophet SAWS with their sicknesses and ask him for help, he used to advise them to eat raw honey.
Honey is a superfood mentioned in both the Qur’an and Sunnah. It is known for its healing effects due to its purity.
When consumed regularly, raw honey can boost your immunity, improve digestion, and regulate your hydration levels. In fact, it’s recommended to take a teaspoon of honey during your suhoor to ensure you don’t get thirsty during the day.


Another Prophetic superfood is watermelon. The Prophet SAWS used to consume watermelon due to its coolness.
Watermelon is a fruit which is not only packed with vitamins, minerals, and water, but also nourishing properties which work to alleviate heat in the body and thus cool it down.
This is great for the warmer days during Ramadan when you feel extra thirsty while fasting. On other days, you can pair it with fresh dates, as the Prophet SAWS also did so to “neutralize” the coldness of the watermelon.


Ibn Kathir RH said: “The date-palm and pomegranate are singled out for mention because of their superiority over other fruits.” Which is a reference to verse 68 in Surah ar-Rahman.
Pomegranates are such powerful fruits that they have the ability to prevent illnesses varying from anemia to cancer and even strokes. It is packed with anti-inflammatory properties which soothe the gut, and loaded with antioxidants to boost the immune system.
The juice in pomegranates are known to help rebalance the hydration levels in the body and expel harmful toxins.


This is another superfood that is mentioned in both the Qur’an and Sunnah.
Especially in the case of hydration, figs are an exceptional addition to your diet as they are loaded with humectants, which aid in the loss of moisture.
Figs also help to aid water loss from the internal and external cells in the body. This is why it is such a popular food among skincare specialists, as it rejuvenates the skin and prevents dermal diseases.


The Prophet SAWS also ate grapes to replenish his body, sometimes he would eat them in the form of raisins while spitting out the seeds. In regards to grapes, he has said that the flesh of them contains healing properties.
Grapes are known to purify the blood, strengthen the kidneys, and improve digestion. Since grapes contain water and vitamins, it helps to retain hydration in the body alongside providing a boost of energy.

Olive Oil

Olives are mentioned in the Qur’an due to their superiority. Olive oil is in the Sunnah and is known for its healing properties.
The Prophet SAWS advised us to use olive oil in all its various uses, such as putting it in our food, applying in on our skin, massaging it into our hair, and consuming it plainly.
The anti-inflammatory nature of olive oil makes it a natural medicine against all kinds of illnesses. Plus, it is an incredible superfood for treating the gut and aiding digestion.
By following the Sunnah and incorporating prophetic inspired foods, we not only stay hydrated but also honor our faith. Let our nourishment be a means of drawing closer to Allah and maintaining physical well-being. May this Ramadan be a time of spiritual renewal and healthful choices!



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