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Evanna Rahman

March 11, 2024


Ramadan Ideas for When You Can’t Fast

بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيمِ
In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.

Ramadan is a blessed month of spiritual reflection, prayer, and self-discipline. However, not everyone is able to fast due to various reasons such as health conditions or other complex circumstances.
If you find yourself unable to fast during Ramadan, don’t worry! There are still plenty of ways to make the most of this sacred time. Here are some ideas to keep your connection with Allah strong even when fasting isn’t an option.

Listen to the Qur’an

Even if you’re in a state where you cannot physically hold the Mushaf in your hands and read, you can listen to audio recordings of the Qur’an from your favorite Qari.
It’s crucial for you to incorporate the Qur’an in the month of Ramadan. Most scholars recommend Ramadan as the “revision month” for Qur’an and the other months for memorization. So, what better way to revise than to repeatedly listen to your memorized Surahs and reciting along with them?

Do Tafseer Sessions

There are plenty of Tafseer courses available around the web. Even if you don’t want to apply for a course, there are numerous videos from honorable and reliable scholars carefully breaking down the analysis of Surahs.
Learning the Tafseer of Surahs we recite is crucial because it’s the study of the Word of Allah. Allah doesn’t only order us to read aloud His words but to study them thoroughly. This will not only strengthen your connection with Allah, but will help you gain Khus’oo in your Salah when you recite your studied Surahs.

Read Islamic Books

Islam is a religion in which you can never finish gaining knowledge, there will always be something to improve on and fix.
So, seek knowledge about your deen by studying the books passed down from our honorable scholars on topics ranging from Fiqh, Aqeedah, Usool At-Tafseer, Shari’ah, family, marriage, and more.

Watch Lecture Series

Short 10-15 minute lectures about random topics might be valuable from time to time, but committing yourself to a series will grant you a vast sea of knowledge.
There are many scholars who break down books related to Aqeedah, Fiqh, Seerah, etc. in video form for their students and extended audiences. This is perfect for those who find it hard to understand the complexities of an Islamic book or cannot concentrate for long hours.
For instance, you can watch the Explanation of the Beautiful Names of Allah lecture series by Ustadh Muhammad Tim Humble to understand the Divine Characteristics of Allah at a deeper level.

Qur’an Journal

Alongside reading, reciting, and learning Tafseer, it’s important to actively learn the Qur’an by journaling.
The majority of scholars were in the habit of taking notes when studying the Qur’an to ensure the knowledge is embedded into their memory. Plus, journaling has the added benefit of helping you discover your weaknesses and areas of improvement.

Learn New Du’as

There’s a vast collection of du’as from the Sunnah of the Prophet SAWS as well as Qur’anic du’as that we have yet to discover let alone memorize. These du’as hold immense rewards and protection from trials of this dunya and the next.
Why should you not allow yourself to collect the rizq of these beautiful du’as? Make use of your free time by learning a new du’a a day and implementing it into your routine.
We recommend using the ‘Dhikr & Dua’ app by Life With Allah to learn new du’as, their benefits and values, and their authentic references.

Do Plenty of Adhkar

Did you know? There’s a story from the life of Imam Ahmad RH about a man who was so engrossed in his adhkar that Allah accepted every du’a he ever made in his life!
Allah loves those who remember Him constantly, so He grants them what they love.
Take your time this Ramadan to increase your adhkar. Don’t miss out on your morning and evening adkhar, your bedtime adhkar, sending Salawat upon our Prophet SAWS, istighfar, and praises of Allah.

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