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Evanna Rahman

June 3, 2024


What is the Purpose of Hajj?

بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيمِ
In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.

During the blessed ten days of Dhul Hijjah, the best act of worship a person can do is perform Hajj. Hajj only comes around once a year and once a lifetime for most Muslims. Millions of Muslims from around the globe come together at the holy city of Makkah for the golden opportunity to perform Hajj.
Hajj is not only a spiritually cleansing ritual but it is an obligatory act of ‘Ibadah upon every able-bodied and financially capable Muslim. It is the fifth pillar of Islam and is the establishment of Dhikr, the remembrance of Allah. In fact, the significance of Hajj is so great that it is one of the gates of Jannah.
The purpose of Hajj can be split into three categories: Tawheed, Unity, and Hereafter.

Affirming Tawheed

Hajj is the ultimate remembrance of Allah. Since it holds great rewards, it has to be done with a sincere heart and maximum effort in order to earn them. This effort and sincerity can only manifest if your Tawheed is unfaltering.
There is no other act of worship that occupies your time, energy, money, and thoughts more than Hajj. It requires sacrifice of every kind, which is preserved only for Allah.
In every step of Hajj, you have to be in the remembrance of Allah. Every act during the ritual is an affirmation of Allah’s Divinity, His Oneness and His Uniqueness.
Your limbs and tongue are both engaged in constant worship during this ritual, which brings you back in tune with your life’s ultimate purpose — to worship Allah alone.
“I did not create jinn and humans except to worship Me.” [Surah Adh-Dhariyat, Verse 56]

Building Unity

Despite the vast differences in nationality, ethnicity, or social status, all pilgrims stand shoulder to shoulder in prayer during Hajj, dressed in a simple white cloth, humbled and fully surrendered before Allah.
This sense of unity reinforces the idea that in the view of Allah, all Muslims are equal, and only their piety and devotion matter most.
“Verily, Allah does not look at your appearance or wealth, but rather He looks at your hearts and actions.” [Sahih Muslim 2564]
Hajj is a deeply spiritual experience that strengthens the faith of Muslims and fosters a sense of community and brotherhood/sisterhood. By performing the pilgrimage together, Muslims forge bonds of friendship and solidarity that transcend national, cultural, and linguistic boundaries.

Preparing for the Hereafter

Hajj gives a Muslim the opportunity to start completely anew, basically a second shot at life. It fully cleanses them of their old sinful selves and leaves them as pure as a newborn infant.
With their Book of Deeds now brand new, they have the perfect opportunity to preserve their pure hearts with worship so that they can present themselves in front of Allah with their good deeds.
In rare cases, Allah might take their lives after they have completed Hajj and allow them to start their eternal lives in the Hereafter with a completely sinless heart.
This is why the ritual is so physically and mentally taxing. It is to remind us of the Hereafter.
In the midst of the hustle and bustle of performing Hajj, the pushing around, the long lines, the waiting, and the physical exertion, we are reminded how tiny and meaningless we are before Allah, and thus we are humbled.
When performing Hajj, it feels like you are completely alone in front of Allah. Similar to how it will be on Judgment Day.


In essence, Hajj is a transformative journey that leaves a lasting impact on the hearts and souls of those who undertake it. By fulfilling the obligation of Hajj, we can strengthen our relationship with Allah, seek forgiveness for our sins, and renew our commitment to living a life guided by the principles of Islam.
May Allah grant us all the opportunity to perform this beautiful ritual, Ameen.

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